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Basket of Fruit

Basket of Fruit

Joseph Hidley (New York, 1830-1872)
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Birth and Baptismal Fraktur for Sarah Opellinger, Ehre Vater Artist, Berks County, Pennsylvania, c. 1802

Birth and Baptismal Fraktur for Sarah Opellinger, Ehre Vater Artist, Berks County, Pennsylvania, c. 1802

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Carved and Painted Model for an Indian Chief Figurehead, America, 19th century

Carved and Painted Model for an Indian Chief Figurehead, America, 19th century

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Cherry Chest of Drawers on Frame, Deerfield, Massachusetts, area, late 18th century

Cherry Chest of Drawers on Frame, Deerfield, Massachusetts, area, late 18th century

37.75 x 30.5 x 19 inches (L x W x D)
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Chippendale Carved Mahogany Block-front Chest of Drawers, Massachusetts, c. 1760-80

Chippendale Carved Mahogany Block-front Chest of Drawers, Massachusetts, c. 1760-80

31.25 x 36.5 x 21 inches (L x W x D)
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Cod on the Line

Cod on the Line

Leander Allen Plummer II (Massachusetts/Maine, 1857-1914)
Carved wood
26 x 42 inches (L x W)
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Large Simmons Folk Art Carved and Painted Parrot, Pennsylvania, 19th century

Large Simmons Folk Art Carved and Painted Parrot, Pennsylvania, 19th century

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Molded and Gilded Sheet Copper Dog Weathervane, probably Cushing and White, Waltham, Massachusetts, late 19th century

Molded and Gilded Sheet Copper Dog Weathervane, probably Cushing and White, Waltham, Massachusetts, late 19th century

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Molded and Gilded Sheet Copper Horse and Sulky Weathervane, J.L. Mott Iron Works, New York, c. 1890

Molded and Gilded Sheet Copper Horse and Sulky Weathervane, J.L. Mott Iron Works, New York, c. 1890

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Paint-decorated Dower Chest "Cadrina Blesle/1824," Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, 1824

Paint-decorated Dower Chest "Cadrina Blesle/1824," Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, 1824

25 x 53 x 22 inches (L x W x D)
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Paint-decorated Dower Chest "Noah Mali," Sugar Creek Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, 1846

Paint-decorated Dower Chest "Noah Mali," Sugar Creek Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, 1846

22.5 x 41.25 x 19.25 inches (L x W x D)
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Paint-decorated Pine Wooden Works Tall Case Clock, probably Riley Whiting, Winchester, Connecticut, early 19th century

Paint-decorated Pine Wooden Works Tall Case Clock, probably Riley Whiting, Winchester, Connecticut, early 19th century

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Paint-decorated Slant-lid Box Attributed to the Checkerboard Artist, probably Somerset County, Pennsylvania, second quarter 19th century

Paint-decorated Slant-lid Box Attributed to the Checkerboard Artist, probably Somerset County, Pennsylvania, second quarter 19th century

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Portrait of the Schooner Abbott Lawrence

Portrait of the Schooner Abbott Lawrence

William Hare (Maryland/England, 1815-1865)
Oil on canvas
25 x 30 inches (L x W)
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Shaker Bittersweet-painted Three-finger Oval Pantry Box, c. 1840

Shaker Bittersweet-painted Three-finger Oval Pantry Box, c. 1840

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Ship Ablaze

Ship Ablaze

Ralph Cahoon (Massachusetts, 1910-1982)
Oil on board
23.5 x 38 inches (L x W)
Note: Molded walnut frame was hand made by Joshua Friedman, cabinetmaker, Mystic, Connecticut. View details:

Watercolor Birth Fraktur for Rachel Gaff, Abraham Huth, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, July 27th, 1808

Watercolor Birth Fraktur for Rachel Gaff, Abraham Huth, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, July 27th, 1808

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